Fragment bodypart

Fragment bodyparts are rewarded after playing game, collect them to able to assemble into a complete bodypart in game.

  • There are only 3 types of Fragment bodypart attached to 3 bodyparts including: Equipped hand, Weapon hand and body

  • Each bodypart will have 3 fragments composed

  • Fragment bodypart is also divided by planet

To put together a complete bodypart, it is necessary to put the bodypart fragments together. Conditions for Forge include:

  • Full 3 types of Fragment bodypart: 1, 2 and 3

  • 3 fragments must belong to a planet

  • 3 pieces must share the same type of bodypart

Bodypart after being forged will be randomly added accessories attached to that bodypart. Depending on what the bodypart is, the accessories will be randomly attached appropriate to that bodypart.

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